You will see an icon called “handler” icon. Native macOS Gmail client that uses Googles API in order to provide you with the Gmail. Look to the top right corner in the search bar. through the OSX native apps (Mail, Calendar and Contacts).Open a Chrome browser and go to your Gmail. Mac Google Apps at UA Sign in dialog window If you are using two-factor authentication, enter the. Gmail, Yahoo, iCloud,, and AOL accounts all use two-factor authentication to help verify that youre the.The Apple Mail emails under 'Mailboxes' are backed up. Google with the following sub-folders: GmailTrash and other folders with names that match the 'labels' setup in Gmail. This is one of the reasons some users may opt for Outlook, which is desktop-based. Apple Mail shows the following on the left hand side: Mailboxes with the following sub-folders: Inbox, Sent, Junk, and Trash. Select Mail > Accounts > Click the + icon in the bottom right, to add a new account. That means that unless you use a third-party app, you need to view your email via the web app. Set Gmail With Chrome as Your Default Mail Provider on Mac One of the major issues with Gmail is that it doesn’t have a native desktop app.
I am going to tell you how to set Gmail as your default mail provider on Mac 🙂 Are you using Priority Matrix on your Mac but you are not an Apple Mail user? No problem! When you want to email an item or project to an external collaborator you can set up your Priority Matrix so Gmail is opened and not Apple Mail.